

We are looking for a lovely forever home for this cheeky pup Max. Max is about 6mths old, very friendly little guy, loves people and other dogs ( he is Tillys son). Fully vaccinated and microchipped. He will be a great fun filled companion for a family with children...


This Border collie is called Barney and is about 2yrs old. Super temperament, affectionate and friendly. He will need an energetic owner who has plenty of time to spend with him keeping him well walked and stimulated. Needs Rehoming through no fault of his...


Rosie is a lovely 3 year old girl, neutered and fully vaccinated. She has just arrived in our rescue. She is very nervous so will want a quiet patient home. She loves other dogs and us living with several at the...


Frankie is a lovely 9yr old Cocker Poo. Good with children adults and other dogs, housetrained, fully vaccinated and neutered. She loves her walks and is happy travelling in a...


Mia is only about 5mths old, a very cute puppy. She will be a small size when fully grown. We think she might have a bit of Dashund in her mix. Mia is lovely to handle and very affectionate. She has just started to learn what a lead and collar are for. When she is out on the lawn she loves to do ‘zoomies’. Mia will make a super affectionate playful member of a family, she is fully vaccinated and...