Jess adopted
Jess has had a trial period with an older dog and as she settled, she began to get a little bit jealous and dominant over the resident dog. Given this, Jess has played well and met with a couple of other dogs of a similar age. We feel Jess would enjoy and benefit being with another dog of a similar age.
Jess is now reasonably good at responding to ‘come’ when she is in the garden as long as nothing is distracting her. Jess has become fairly good at sitting on command, responding to ‘get down’ when she tries to jump onto furniture etc. and at going into her large cage to feed and sleep. She constantly used the cage as a place where she gets given treats or food and it is her safe place. Most nights she sleeps very happily in there without any barking or crying.
Jess walks quite well on the lead now – she has had lots of practice. She pulls a lot for the first half mile or so, but eases off after that. She initially had problems when she encountered other dogs, whether they were on or off leads. When her foster dad stopped, stood between her and the other dog, and made her sit with a treat in hand it took her attention away from the other dog. Before long, she would just sit and received a lot of praise and strokes. More recently, there have been a few times that Jess has seen other dogs where she has immediately sat down and looked to her foster Dad for her reward.
Jess is not fully house trained yet , it can be hit and miss as she has never lived in a home before. This will require training and perseverance.
Jess eats very quickly and has had a specific diet as she had a delicate tummy for a while. She’ll often sleep for an hour after feeding or after a long walk.
Jess is a lovely dog in so many ways and much so affectionate. She loves coming for a cuddle, especially her person sits on the floor with her.