Bella is 15 months old and is a German Shepard/ Lurcher cross
The moment I saw her photo on miss mollies I fell in love with her she is a stunning dog! She’s been part of our family since February
She’s a very loving loyal pup loves cuddles and loves to play. My 3 girls aged 11, 10 and 5 years adore her and she dose them.
We also have a little Jack Russell Lexie who she just loves they really are the best of friends and my very own little and large.
Bella loves to run she’s really fast! My gravitate time of day walkies  We really couldn’t imagine life with out her.
She gives the best cuddles and just has soo much love to give. Thank you so much for bringing her into our life’s Jeanne Thompson. Adopted by Katie Smithurst Penrose

Rescue Dog