A Letter From The Founder
Miss Mollies Address : 27 Regents Parade, Harrogate, North Yorkshire, HG1 5AZ

Luna and Archie
These two lovely babies were signed over to Miss Mollies as the lady who had them was struggling after a recent changes in her home life.
Archie was 18 months, not neutered and had a dreadful ear infection. Lulu needed to be neutered too. Neither of them were vaccinated so both had to have full vaccinations. We had a lovely foster couple who took them until all the veterinary work was complete. Both have lovely homes and are very happy cherubs indeed. Archie is a great comfort and help to his new dad and has turned out to be a great support dog. Total cost for these little ones was over £1200 but Mollies feel money well spent. Thankyou all for all your support to enable Mollies to continue to help in this way.
Rica came to Miss Mollies Rescue from Romania, he was re homed and through no fault of his own he came back into foster in October 2022. In December he had a dental at the vets where unfortunately his jaw was broken and his jaw was wired. 9 weeks later the wire was removed and he had a further suture put in place as the jaw is still slightly unstable. Little Rica had a difficult time through this and as he needs extra care he will stay in long term foster for the foreseeable. Costs so far for Rica are £700 ( this is excluding food and costs for keeping him in a warm home) .The amount for Rica will be ongoing.

This is Ripper.
Her dad took her to the vets as she was panting heavily and had a discharge. The vets said she has pyrometra which is a life threatening condition in older un-neutered bitches. The cost which they wanted up front was £1400 or £400 for a course of antibiotics followed by a further £450 plus to neuter. Miss Mollies was contacted by Rippers dad in a distraught state. So Super Dog Rescue Miss Mollies stepped in. An appointment was made for the first thing on Friday morning. Earlier that morning Rippers dad called to say she had given birth to a very large dead puppy. We rushed her to the vets where she was examined to check no more puppies where there, which thankfully there were none and to neuter. The total cost was just below £900 and we have a very happy dad and a very happy Ripper. Pic one is in the vets prior to op and the second on her comfy sofa all well and good. This is what your donations help Mollies to do so a heartfelt Thankyou to you all for your continued support.
Benji ( now Barney )
Gorgeous Barney was found in the woods by 2 brothers and they contacted Miss Mollies for advice. Barney went to the vets where he stayed for a couple of days, he wasn’t in great shape and needed an urgent medical procedure and medication.
A few days later Barney went into his foster home where he ate and ate to put on some weight, he was severely malnourished. 5 kilos later Barney joined his new family where he has gone from 16 kg to 22.9kg! (See the last photo, he’s a big boy now)
Barney has had all of his vaccinations as we really believe he hadn’t had any and also been neutered.
The total for Barney currently is ongoing

Dog food donations
Miss Mollies has donated £300 to help feed hungry dogs in Romania. The rescuer in Romania is Monica Gheorgita and is in the Bazau part of the country where she has rescued dogs for many years.

Our little Stella came to us-as her daddy has severe Alzheimer’s and could no longer look after her. Stella is an old lady of 14. We had a lump removed from her tummy and her teeth done. She was very underweight. She went to a local lady in full time foster care and has blossomed. Costs so far are in excess of £900 and are on going for this little girl in her twilight years

Angel came to Miss Mollies rescue centre over 2 years ago. Angel was a terrified dog and stayed in the rescue. When the rescue centre closed Angel went to a kennels where she stayed for a year before going into long term foster where she is making amazing progress. Angel needed to have a secure kennel set up in order to keep her safe and also because she had lived outdoors. The costs of being kennelled was £4,200 and to purchase and erect a kennel in her new foster home was £1,600. The total costs for Angel exceeds £6,000 and costs are ongoing.

The 4 Pekeys
4 Pekinese type dogs came to Miss Mollies, 2 boys and 2 girls. The boys had vet checks and went straight to homes. The girls had some health issues so remain in foster care. Wonky had to have an eye removed and both Wonky and Cheeky had several vet appointments for various health issues including dental work. Sadly Wonky needed urgent vet assistance when she suffered a stroke and sadly passed away. The amount for these 4 dogs exceeds £4, 000 and costs are ongoing.

Cassie (was Dave) arrived at Miss Mollies in mid 2020. He is a blind boy and quickly found his way to a wonderful foster family where he has a fabulous life. Cassie has needed some veterinary care and recently had an urgent dental. The costs for Cassie are approximately £1, 000 ( March 2023)

Could you help?